Promote Your Brand with DPHA

Website Advertising

Our website is a great place to reach our members.  We currently have four opportunities to advertise on our website - learn more and secure your ads by clicking the buttons below.  Learn how to get FREE website advertising with DPHA!  


The DPHA Drop

The DPHA Drop, formerly known as Connections is the official weekly electronic newsletter of the DPHA sent to our nearly 3000 DPHA members.  The DPHA Drop features new products, news, personnel updates, member videos, new member spotlights, and other announcements from DPHA manufacturer members each week. It’s an easy and great way to keep your fingers on the pulse of new products and trends in the industry and for manufacturers to reach showroom sales consultants consistently.

Advertising in The DPHA Drop is the only opportunity in the industry to consistently reach showroom principals and sales professionals who look to the DPHA e-newslettter as a valued resource.  The DPHA Drop is opened by 40-50% of readers, with industry averages for similar publications typically around 10%. 

Learn how to get FREE The DPHA Drop advertising with DPHA!  


Education Manual Photo Packages

Get your product images in our Education Manuals, as well as throughout The Vault, DPHA University’s testing and certificate program.  Get your images and brand in front of those who guide consumers on their product journey, as education continues to be a major cornerstone of who we are at DPHA. These manuals are used by showroom and DPH professionals across North America to introduce the industry and refresh the most seasoned sales associates. Be sure to be part of one of our most utilized and successful programs across North America.

Our manuals are updated every two years, so be on the lookout for emails from DPHA staff when each manual is on deck for being updated.

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